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Piute girls dressed in traditional attire perform a dance at the Escalante Showhouse.

Escalante Celebrates 2024 Wild Potato Days, Its 4th Annual Event

Escalante celebrated the 4th annual Wild Potato Days on May 24 and 25, 2024.

We had a nice turn out for the potato bar at the Escalante Showhouse. Bruce Pavlik gave a very informative talk on how to grow wild potatoes using various methods including raised beds and hanging baskets.

Later, Shanandoah Anderson of the Shivwits Band of Paiutes in Nevada gave a very informative talk about the history of how the Paiute peoples were settled in this area and the delineations between the various tribes today.

Saturday members of the Paiute tribe from Cedar City came in the afternoon and performed with men drumming and girls dancing in colorful regalia.

Piute boys and men dressed in traditional attire drum with the dancers at the Escalante Showhouse.
Members of the Paiute tribe of Cedar City drum to the dance, dressed in traditional Paiute attire. They performed at Escalante’s 2024 Wild Potato Days on Saturday, May 25.

Kids potato-themed games and contests entertained many folks, and a good time was had by all in spite of the wind and a shower or two.

by Harriet Priska

Photos courtesy of Harriet Priska.

Read about the 2022 Wild Potato Days here.