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A graduate watching the sunset
Whoa, blink an eye and then you’re there.
Whoa, on a gym floor in folding chairs.
Yeah, yeah, throwing caps up in the air.
Couple tough boys sheddin’ tears,
Never thought it’d disappear,
Senior year.

- Drew Baldridge

This song, which just so happens to be the same one that the Panguitch High School Class of 2022 sang at their graduation ceremony on May 27, speaks the truth in more than one way. It seems nearly impossible to believe that the time has come, where I walk down an aisle in my own cap and gown, leaving behind a school and class that I have come to love so much.

Insights from Senior Year

Though each of us will go our separate ways, pursuing each of our own individual endeavors, I know that the lessons learned here at Panguitch High School will carry with us forever. To address these lessons adequately I asked several of my peers for their insight, which included: 

  • Keep your friends close, no matter what. One day, you will have your very last laugh with them, and that day will come before you know it. Take every opportunity to make memories with the people you love most. 
  • Cherish every single moment that life gives you. It goes by in a blink of an eye. If you don’t stop to enjoy the little things, you’ll never fully understand what opportunities you missed out on until it is too late. 
  • Everything happens for a reason, even the bad experiences. They may be inevitable, but if we just remember that there is always a reason for it, we will be much happier overall and more prepared to deal with other trials in the future as well. Consider each hardship an opportunity to grow. 
  • Take advantage of each and every opportunity that is given to you. Be more willing to step out of your comfort zone and see the fun in change. You will be happier when you learn to care less about what others think. 
  • You never have to do anything the same way everyone else is doing it. Everyone learns differently, and focusing on your own goals and success will get you further than focusing on everyone else’s. Don’t ever pass up an opportunity simply because you feel unqualified or unworthy; you have the capabilities to achieve whatever you seek to achieve. 
  • It never hurts to just be friends with everyone. Use every opportunity you are given to reach out, be kind, and build new relationships.
  • Live in the moment. It’s okay to not worry about the to-do list for tomorrow, until tomorrow. Don’t be afraid to try new things, take advantage of opportunities, avoid regrets, because there are no do-overs. 


Though each of these vary in the way that they impact us in our everyday lives, they all share one common trait: opportunity. At Panguitch High School, opportunities are not scarce. With the choice to participate in volleyball, basketball, drama, golf, baseball, FCCLA, FBLA, FFA, track & field, wrestling, cross country, speech & debate, choir, softball, mountain biking, horseshoes, cheerleading, rodeo, student council or even volunteering, there are many ways to get involved, learn new things, develop talents or team building skills, and build character. 

As one who participated in many of these activities, I’ve seen the benefits of staying involved, finding and doing activities you love, but most importantly I too have learned the importance of taking advantage of every opportunity that you are given. 

I have stood on the floor after a state volleyball game, crying as I held the second place trophy in my arms. I’ve celebrated wins, screaming my heart out as we roll through town in the bus, escorted by fire trucks. I’ve dealt with injuries, feeling the heartache of being forced to throw away a goal so important to me. I have cheered on friends and teammates, as I watch them so earnestly fight for something so important to them. I’ve felt the heartache of regret, failure and defeat, yet, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Each was an opportunity for growth, success, a lesson learned, or a friendship gained. For those reasons I will forever be grateful for Panguitch High. 

Thank you to the family, friends, fans, coaches and staff that supported both me and my class for the past four years. More importantly thank you for believing in us, cheering us on, and giving us so many opportunities to grow and succeed. 

“Never thought it’d disappear. Senior Year.”

To the Class of 2022

To the Class 2022, 
The day has finally arrived— 
We’ll move our tassels over, 
And say “thank goodness, we survived.”

Walking in as first-day freshman, 
it seems we had so much to fear 
but in a blink it was all over, 
and now we’re ending senior year. 

We definitely learned so much, 
Whether it be science, language, or math, 
But more importantly we learned to ask, 
“How exactly will we ever use that?”

We will always call ourselves a Bobcat, 
Blue is what we bleed,
We are the best of the best,
Even our rivals must agree.

We celebrated wins, 
Tasted the bitterness of defeat, 
But with school spirit strong and proud, 
We never did retreat. 

The support we gave each other, 
No matter the event, 
Always meant so much, 
Thus it was time well-spent. 

To the Class of 22, 
Now, look how far we've come. 
As each of you go your separate ways, 
Don't forget where you are from. 

As you go out into the world, 
Have courage and believe, 
Each one of us is capable, 
Of becoming exactly what we dream to be. 

Though we've got so much ahead of us, 
Don't be too quick to forget the past, 
Because one day we may look back, 
And we’ll miss this special class.

by Hailee Eyre (18) Panguitch

Feature image courtesy University of Texas at San Antonio.

Hailee Eyre