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Panguitch Posts

This is an old news article. The events in this article happened in Panguitch in January 2023.

Brrrrrr! It has been a super cold and snowy couple of months. We are so grateful for the snow we have received, and we look to have a beautiful spring and summer this year. We have been so blessed. 

Our area, and most of the state, is well above the normal precipitation for this time of year. But, wow, it has been so cold, so most of the snow from the first big storm is still sitting on the ground. It’s been reported that the snow depth at Midway on Cedar Mountain is 81 inches, or 150% of normal! And some of what was there has already melted.

For the first time I can remember, strange as it may seem, we have wild turkeys in town. We have had them walk right through our backyard and the yards of our neighbors, and some were spotted in Hatch, also. We figure the snow must have driven them down from the hills to look for easier pickings for food. Pretty fun to see them although they leave kind of a mess behind.

Mission Calls

We have two more newly called sister missionaries in town! Abbee Holman has been called to the Idaho Boise Mission, and Hailee Eyre has been called to serve three months in the church history sites in Pennsylvania and then will serve the remainder of her 18 months in Oklahoma. Congratulations to these two great young women! Our granddaughter, Marissa McIff, daughter of Stacee and Mark, is heading to Fort Lauderdale, Florida to serve her mission starting the first part of February!

The eye doctor who services this area, Scott Albrecht, and his wife, Megan, have been called to serve as mission president and wife in one of the several missions in the Philippines! They will begin their service the first part of July. We wish them well and know they are in for some wonderful experiences in that part of the world.


Younger kids’ sports

Younger girls basketball games have dominated the Saturdays in January and will continue into February. Teams in younger and older age groups from Panguitch, Wayne, Valley, Piute, Milford, Escalante and Bryce Valley take turns playing each other in these various locations.

I must say things have really improved from the days our daughters played basketball games at this age! Some final scores back then seldom made it into double figures. The games played the last two Saturdays have been exciting and fun to watch as the girls actually run plays and make baskets! It’s fun to watch and see the progress made from year to year! Much thanks to the coaches who teach the fundamentals and give each participant equal time to play and to develop their skills!

PHS Sports and Activities

Panguitch High had its Homecoming a couple of weeks ago. It’s always a fun time with basketball games, wrestling and the homecoming queen contest. I believe PHS won their boys and girls basketball games, and I’m quite sure the wrestlers did well, also. Shelby Frandsen was crowned homecoming queen with Rylee Veater first attendant and Adelaide Englestead second attendant. Josslyn Griffin was chosen Miss Congeniality. Congratulations to these girls and to the others who tried out! Lots of talent, beauty and poise was displayed all the way around.

Panguitch girls posing for a picture before they go in to compete at the Homecoming Queen Contest.
Courtesy Hailee Eyre.

PHS cheerleaders attended the cheer competition and did very well. Josslyn Griffin took second place in jumps which is extraordinary! Great job cheerleaders.

If you want to watch our Panguitch Bobcats ball teams in action, you need to do so soon as the season is winding down quickly. The boys have two home games left. February 2 Milford will be in town to play and on February 8 Bryce Valley comes to play. The good news is that region will be held here again this year on February 17 and 18. March 1-4 will be state, held at the SVC in Richfield. 

The Lady Cats host Piute here on February 1, Milford on the 2nd and Valley on the 9th. Region will also be held in Panguitch on February 17 and 18, and state will be at the SVC on March 1-4. 

State wrestles will be held on February 10 and 11 at the SVC. Good luck to our school teams. We are proud of the success they have had so far this year and hope they perform well at region and state!

Locals Who Have Passed Away

Sharon Moore

More of our Panguitch-ites have passed away recently. Sharon Moore, age 88, passed away while residing in the care center. Sharon was quite an athlete in her youth, especially playing softball. She was an excellent family historian compiling many binders of stories and facts that are treasured by her family. She married Keith Moore and they were a wonderful couple. She was known to most every stray cat or dog in town as her home was a place they could find food and shelter when needed. She and Keith took pride in their son, Darin, and his family. She loved her grandchildren. We will miss Sharon.

Glenn Leach

Glenn Leach, son of Bert and Thora and husband of Barbara Orton Leach, passed away a week or so ago in Littlefield, Arizona where he had lived the past several years. Glenn was known at PHS for his baseball skills. It was witnessed that he hit baseballs off the old high school during games more than once! He was a hard worker and he and Barbara were married for over 50 years and were seldom apart from each other. Glenn was a wonderful husband, father to Gary, Machele and Donny, grandfather and friend.

Louise Holman

Louise Holman, age 89, left this earth the first part of January to join her beloved husband, Laurel, who had passed away not long before. They were a devoted pair to one another and to their family. Louise was a nurse in our hospital for many years and served with her husband in the Albania mission as mission president and wife after serving in that area as missionaries. There was never any question as to their set standards and total conversion to the church. Their children, Rick, Laurie, Machele, Kelly and Sue carry on with the great legacy their parents left them.

John Arvel Henrie

Our condolences also go out to Ryan and Tammy Houston with the passing of Tammy’s dear father, John Arvel Henrie. He was born in Panguitch to good old Panguitch stock and always loved his connections here where he enjoyed spending many summers with his Grandma Perkins out on the family ranch. He was a good man who supported Tammy developing her beautiful singing voice.

Birthdays, Honors and Future Fun!

LaRue Excell Thornton, former Panguitch resident and mother of Shauna, Corrine, Tammy, Dixie and Stephanie, celebrated her 90th birthday on January 21 in Murray. Her family gave her a surprise birthday party. We have fond memories of LaRue from when she lived here and hope she had a fun celebration. Living 90 years is really something to celebrate. Happy 90th, LaRue!

Evan Excell, who has been the Executive Director of the UHSAA, a coach and a mentor to many was honored when Ben Lomand High School in Ogden named their basketball court after him. “Evan Excell Court” was officially named at a “meet and greet” evening event recently. Evan was the coach when they won the State Basketball tournament in 1986. He also coached a state championship in girls track and field at Ben Lomand. Congratulations to Evan and his great supportive wife, Nicky!

This is the time of year that many people go on cruises, probably to escape the cold weather and to relax for a few days. Bruce and Dianne Fullmer, Vern and Pam Robison, “Coach” and Colleen Goff, Kolbi Frandsen and sisters are just a few who have been lucky enough to catch a cruise recently!

Bundle up and stay warm and well. Spring will soon be just around the corner! Think of someone you can show some extra love and care for in honor of Valentine’s Day. Love is what the world needs more of.

by Pam Yardley

Read the February Panguitch Posts here.

Pam Yardley – Panguitch

Pam Yardley is our most consistent contributor. She writes the monthly Panguitch Posts column covering all events including births, sports, marriages, mission calls, ward parties, weather and deaths in Panguitch, Utah. Pam is a resident of Panguitch with lots of involvement in the community, and lots of family nearby. We sure love the small town view we get of Panguitch through her eyes!