H.B. 233 is a proposed bill that seeks to restrict entities that perform abortions from providing health-related instructions or materials that would give high school students information about or access to abortions in public schools. If passed, this bill would be enacted by the state legislature of Utah, prohibiting institutions affiliated with abortion providers from offering such services.
Currently, nearly 80,000 Utah students receive maturation and sex education from Planned Parenthood instructors. Brittany Breneman, education director at Planned Parenthood Association of Utah, believes the bill targets Planned Parenthood specifically, and worries that if the bill passes, these students will no longer receive adequate instruction.
“We never discuss topics that are prohibited by state code, nor do we offer our own viewpoints or perspectives,” Breneman wrote, pointing out that such instruction is already illegal under Utah law.
Locally, public schools rely on maturation curriculum from other sources, such as Procter & Gamble.
H.B. 233 is sponsored by Rep. Nicholeen P. Peck and Sen. Scott D. Sandall. If passed, the bill is unlikely to have a significant impact on state revenue or expenditures. Additionally, it is not expected to place any burden on local businesses or individuals, as there will be no increase in taxes or fees.
Abortion is defined in Section 76-7-301 as “an act, by a physician, of using an instrument or prescription drug with the intent to cause the death of an unborn child of a woman who is known to be pregnant.”
– by Abbey Blevins
Read more about the Utah Legislative Session in A Few Bills to Keep an Eye on in 2025.