The Silver King Fire burned over 18,000 acres in Piute County this last summer. The fire caused evacuations in the small community of Marysvale. Even though the snow has completely extinguished this fire, a tremendous burn scar remains. Residents of Marysvale are still in danger of flooding for the next several years. As a result, the members of the Piute FBLA chapter decided to complete this year’s community service project on the idea of helping educate the community on our current crisis and how we, as citizens, can each play a role in helping.
The goals of this project include to:
- Educate the students and community of all ages about fire prevention.
- Educate all students on forest ecology, fire behavior, post-fire recovery and defensible spaces.
- Inform students and community members of the potential danger of flooding resulting from the burn scar.
- Focus on service and career paths: How to serve others and explore professional opportunities.
The Chapter has started the project by providing an assembly to the elementary schools and students in Piute County. During the assembly, Piute FBLA officers taught elementary students about fire prevention and ways they can help prevent forest fires. Next, they were taught about being prepared for these natural disasters and things they should have on hand. Students were then instructed on evacuation procedures and what to do in case of flooding as a result of the burn scar.
In partnership with Forestry, Fire and State Lands and SWCA Environmental Consultants, the Piute FBLA Chapter will conduct assembly-style activities for students 7th-12th grade. These activities began in January and will continue throughout the remainder of the school year and include:
- Hands-on demonstrations (e.g., graphing fire behavior observations).
- Field trips to observe fire impacts, requiring logistics planning (e.g., transporting students up the canyon).
- Projects: Plantings, cleanups, and installing fire-safety signs.
- Career talks: Insights into ecology and wildland firefighting careers from Justin Hart and MaLyssa Hart, the Central Area forester and forester assistant.
- Focus on service and career paths: How to serve others and explore professional opportunities.
– Piute FBLA
Feature image caption: The Piute FBLA officers present to Circleville Elementary School about fire behavior and post-fire recovery. They warn teachers and students about potential flooding in Marysvale.

Read about some of Piute FBLA’s past projects in Piute FBLA Teaches Community about Water Conservation.