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Panguitch graduating class of 2022

This year has really gone by fast. It’s strange to think that I will be graduating and not be returning next year to Panguitch High School, but I also can’t imagine myself coming back either, if that makes any sense. 

Graduating feels a lot like standing at the top of a really high mountain, and it’s quite the view from where I’m standing. I have come so far and have changed so much over the years, it’s almost hard to believe it.    

It’s no secret that one of things I have enjoyed doing these past few years has been Drama. The classes were a blast, the plays (though challenging) helped me connect with so many people, and Region and State Drama will hold memories for me that I hope I’ll never forget. 

TAR’s or Teen Age Republicans, has been a club I have been a part of for the past three years and I have not regretted it, from the activities we have done and have been a part of, like holding the the Constitution Bowl at Panguitch, or laying wreaths on the graves of fallen soldiers, or fundraising for our trip to Washington D.C. — it has been a good leadership-building experience. 

Among other things, I have also participated in Cross Country which has been hard, but rewarding. Debate, likewise, has helped me to speak quite a bit better. Choir has been enjoyable. Then there has been writing for The Byway, and that has been an experience all on its own. 

As for just school in general. I have learned to love it! Math will always be hard for me, but really once you understand the problem it’s far more satisfying to find the answers. English, I dare say, is even harder, but speaking from experience, once you get the hang of it, amazing results can come from it. Science and history can both be very interesting once you allow them to be. 

There are many fun classes to choose from and once you’re in high school, you get to pick.    

In short, there is a lot of good to be found at high school if you take the time to look for it!     

I just have a couple pieces of advice. For those still in high school or are going to be, I urge you to try new things! There is so much out there and it is a lot of fun. You will not regret all the things you ended up doing. If nothing more just try it, if you don’t like it no one will force you to stay.

My second piece of advice is to all: don’t give up! A lesser-known fact about myself is that in school things were hard for me when I was younger. Many of the things I have listed along with math and English in general, I struggled to do. It has been the work and practice and diligence that have helped me to improve, working hand-in-hand with the goal to try my best.

I am so grateful for all of the people who have helped me come this far, and I am excited for the future adventure ahead. Good luck this summer everyone!

– by Ella Hughes (18) Panguitch

Feature image caption: The Panguitch High School 2022 graduating class. Courtesy Tammi Bennett.

Ella Hughes