The Byway — On January 13, the U.S. Supreme Court denied Utah’s lawsuit over the 18.5 million acres of public unappropriated BLM lands in the state.
Tag: public lands
The Byway — BLM released its final travel management plan for the Henry Mountains and Fremont Gorge area. The decision was to select Alternative E.
The Byway — Western politicians continue to urge the federal government to pay more in local property taxes, or payment in lieu of taxes (PILT).
The Byway — On September 25, BLM released the draft environmental assessment on the Henry Mountains and Fremont Gorge for public comment.
by Abbie Call — Powell jump-started an interest in Native American “antiquities,” setting the stage for some powerful legislation called the Antiquities Act.
by Abbie Call — May 28, BLM held a meeting over Zoom to inform the public of preliminary travel management alternatives in the Henry Mountains and Fremont Gorge.
The Byway — Late in this year’s legislative session, a bill passed the Utah House and Senate that would make grazing a state right in Utah.
by Carl Shakespear — With concerns over the proposed Grand Staircase resource management plan, I want to add to the dialogue on the issues.
The Byway — Colorado Offroad Trail Defenders, Blue Ribbon Coalition & State of Utah are appealing closure of 300 miles of off-road vehicle trails by Moab.
by AJ Martel — Americans haven’t got a foggy clue about the taking of public lands. If people had any idea of what is happening here, they would be outraged!