The Byway — In 2019, Commissioner Jerry Taylor asked Elaine Baldwin, a former mayor of Panguitch, “What does Garfield County need?” “We need a new newspaper,” Baldwin answered without hesitation.
Tag: Karen Munson

by Karen Munson — Maybe you have encountered a situation in which you may not know how you feel. This is a good time to pause and practice power statements.

by Karen Munson — In all we do, we leave an example of who we are and what we stand for. We don’t have to be dead to leave a legacy; every act leaves a legacy.

by Karen Munson — Friends and neighbors, can we agree that our perceptions of the truth and what the truth is are not always the same?

by Karen Munson — When we talk sports, it inevitably centers around basketball. Team roping is rarely in the spotlight unless you go to Wickenburg, Arizona.

by Karen Munson — Deciding the potato is too limiting a theme, organizers rebranded the festival this year as the Escalante Heritage and Wild Potato Festival.

by Karen Munson — If you only have your company and the fish’s, you are in the best of company on Valentine’s Day. Read on to see why.

by Karen Munson — I wish my friends had practiced the art of civil discourse, being able to ‘deliberate about matters of public concern in a way that seeks to expand knowledge and promote understanding.’

by Karen Munson — Since our bodies are more than 80% water, water is essential to our health. Why is being fully hydrated important?

by Karen Munson — Way leads on to way. Whether you are meandering in a yellow wood, or making any variety of life decisions proceed carefully.