by Karen Munson — Since our bodies are more than 80% water, water is essential to our health. Why is being fully hydrated important?
Tag: alternative medicine

by Karen Munson — If you experience depression or anxiety or feel overloaded with extra stress over the holidays, getting a massage can be an effective answer.

by Karen Munson — We all need adequate sleep. Minor changes in your sleep routine can provide a great return in mental and emotional health.

by Karen Munson — There are several mental and physical benefits to taking a cold shower. You get accustomed to the invigorating cold and look forward to it.

by Karen Munson — Through meditation, we distance ourselves from stressful events, creating a space between the experience and our emotions.

by Karen Munson — Words are important. How we use words like names, “yet,” “thank you,” “I love you,” and expressions of gratitude can affect our lives.

by Karen Munson — Previous healthy mental habits articles addressed morning routines, earthing and tapping. This article will cover grounding emotionally.

by Karen Munson — Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT), or “tapping,” is a combination of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.

by Karen Munson — Earthing can be tested by walking barefoot outside on a natural surface. Try it; you may like the experience of healing from the ground up.

by Karen Munson — The Monk movie can serve as an informal model for what to listen for in warning signs of concern when someone feels a loss of hope.