by Karen Munson — In all we do, we leave an example of who we are and what we stand for. We don’t have to be dead to leave a legacy; every act leaves a legacy.
Category: Opinion

by AJ Martel — Just one link in a chain of generations, we must find out our part! Then we need to engage in doing our part. That is the legacy we make.

by Karen Munson — Friends and neighbors, can we agree that our perceptions of the truth and what the truth is are not always the same?

by Karen Munson — I wish my friends had practiced the art of civil discourse, being able to ‘deliberate about matters of public concern in a way that seeks to expand knowledge and promote understanding.’

by Abbie Call — The Byway is meant to be a forum for human discussion, not discussion between AI. But if AI did write the newspaper, what would it look like?

by Karen Munson — Way leads on to way. Whether you are meandering in a yellow wood, or making any variety of life decisions proceed carefully.

by Karen Munson — If I did not know Jesus and was taking my cues from society on when, how, and why to celebrate Christmas, I might get confused.

by Karen Munson — Let’s be like Squanto. He used his past experiences to help others. We, too, can give thanks and give others something to be thankful for.

by Abbie Call — News flash: elections are tough on people. But what if I told you voting is only the first step? There is so much more we can do.

by B. Albrecht — True, cell phones have many pros, but they still have a lot of risks and having them in school will affect kids’ learning environments.