Teachers and students in Piute, Wayne and Garfield counties, we need your input in the form of essays and papers!
Find out here how and what you can submit to the newspaper.
How to Submit to The Byway
To submit The Byway, email your papers to [email protected]. Include your name, age or grade, and the town you are from in the byline, for example:
by John Doe (13) Fremont
You may also send one or two pictures to go with your paper (optional).
One of the editors will edit the article and get it back to you within two business days. At this point you will have one business day to review the edits, if desired, before we start getting the paper published.
The same submission guidelines apply for artwork, speeches, poetry and photography.

What to Submit
Papers and other work should align with our missions to open a forum for positive civil discourse, unite Rural Utah with content written by us and about us, and provide an opportunity for our youth to write and be read.
Basically, they should be respectful, avoid dividing communities, and be your own work (not the work of artificial intelligence!).
That’s it!
Want to write a review for your favorite movie or book, a fantasy story about knights and dragons, a report on a sports event, an opinion editorial about a topic close to your heart, or a true story about your animals? If there is space, your writing will have a chance to be published.
We recommend a length of 300-600 words, but that is flexible depending on the topic.
Happy writing!
– Byway Editorial Team

The Byway
The Byway’s news team is committed to bringing news that matters to Southern Utah. Read more about The Byway here.