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Garfield Memorial Hospital 2022 Nurse Excellence Awards

Each year, Intermountain Healthcare recognizes outstanding nurses with the Intermountain Nurse Excellence Awards. These nurses set an example of the best in nursing. Coworkers of nurses throughout Intermountain hospitals nominate candidates they would like to recognize, and winners are chosen from those nominations. The three winners of the 2022 Nurse Excellence Awards for Garfield Memorial Hospital are Tierney Richards, nurse leader; Kelsey McInelly, nurse; and Eli Menet, social worker.

DeAnn Brown PhD, Administrator and CEO of Intermountain Garfield Memorial Hospital, says she’s grateful for the opportunity to recognize these outstanding nurses. “The theme for 2022 is Stand Together. Stand Strong,” says DeAnn. “It would be impossible to [reflect on and celebrate our 2022 accomplishments] without recognizing the care and support we have also given each other during the pandemic as well as the extraordinary strength our nurses have shown. These three winners of the Garfield Memorial Hospital Nurse Excellence Awards are very deserving of this award, and I am personally so grateful to each for the excellence they have shown and continue to show every day in their work at our hospital.”

The three 2022 Nurse Excellence Award Winners for Garfield Memorial are listed below:

Tierney Richards – Nurse Leader Award, RN, Medical/Surgical

Tierney Richards

Those that nominated Tierney for this award said the following:

“Tierney is a great example of speaking up for patients and with a great rapport with physicians. She creates an environment of safety and example with how to approach providers with concerns and questions.”

“Tierney has been an excellent patient advocate. I can remember working with her and having a difficult patient. This patient continued to ask for pain medications. Tierney did not judge this patient for seeking pain medications. She said ‘If a patient tells me they are in pain, then I will call the doctor and ask them.’ I respect very much that she does not judge any of our patients ever, she does what is best and right for them and their families.”

“Tierney is a great example of shared work. She is conscious of patient loads and how her coworkers are managing their cares. Tierney connects with coworkers on a personal level as well as professional. While Tierney is a great patient advocate, she is also a great team advocate, and is always trying to find ways to make educations/skills easier for staff, even if that means coming in on her days off. She is always willing to put forth extra effort and I want her to know it has not gone unnoticed!”

Kelsey McInelly – Nurse Award, RN, Medical/Surgical

Kelsey McInelly

Those that nominated Kelsey for this award said the following:

“Kelsey always anticipates situations, and is always prepared. She is always helping out whenever, and wherever needed. She is very organized, and always willing to help out.”

“Kelsey is an extraordinary advocate for her patients. She makes sure that they are heard, and that they are taken care of. She will always fight for the patient.”

“One of the many things we love about Kelsey is she has so much initiative. She is always two steps ahead. She makes sure that the whole team knows that they are supported, and is so knowledgeable.” 

“She is always helping people learn and strive to do better. She always makes her co-workers feel loved and cared for while making sure that her patients are her first priority. She never lets a birthday, death, baby shower, anything go by without making sure that her peers are recognized and taken care of.”

Eli Menet – Partner in Nursing Excellence Award, Social Worker

Eli Menet

Those that nominated Eli for this award said the following:

“Eli is the perfect example of someone who puts patients’ needs first. He is consistently advocating for patients’ emotional and spiritual needs. He has gone above and beyond the call of duty more times than I can count.”

“I strongly believe this whole-person approach that Eli utilizes accelerates healing, both emotionally and physically.”

“Eli is fantastic at collaborating with nursing staff to provide the best care possible to patients. He checks in with the nursing staff multiple times a day, asking for patient needs, providing suggestions on improving patient comfort, what he can do to support their discharge, etc.”

“Eli is ALWAYS checking in on his coworkers’ emotional well-being. He is fantastic at being supportive during and after crisis situations. He recently ran a debrief for nursing staff after one of these crisis situations, and his care and empathy greatly helped with the processing of the situation. He is an excellent addition to the Garfield Memorial staff, and we are very lucky to have him.”

Congratulations to the winners of our Garfield Memorial Hospital 2022 Nurse Excellence Awards!

Garfield Memorial Hospital