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Pictures of Danny Perkins and Eric Houston

Electing a Sheriff: Danny Perkins or Eric Houston?

The most contested elected office in Garfield County this year is over the position of county sheriff. The race is between Incumbent Sheriff Danny Perkins and Former Deputy Eric Houston.

Both candidates have hopes that voters will choose based on informed decisions on what the sheriff does and what each man might be able to bring to the community.

What Does a Sheriff in Garfield County Do?

A sheriff’s duties can vary from state to state, county to county. But usually a sheriff’s role is closer to a community leader directing police actions than a police officer doing day-to-day law enforcement.

Sheriffs in Garfield County are responsible for duties such as:

  • Operating the jail.
  • Directing the search and rescue and deputy’s duties.
  • Investigating complaints.
  • Organizing task forces.
  • Performing various managerial and clerical office duties, such as filing paperwork and writing a budget.

The sheriff’s office — run by the sheriff — is the main source of law enforcement in the county.

As leaders in the community, sheriffs also have opportunities to become heavily involved with the youth. The sheriff is present at many community events and often takes time out to visit schools.

Search and rescue and other programs related to Bryce and Escalante tourism become a very important part of the sheriff’s job in Garfield County. This year, for example, 27 people have had to be rescued by helicopter from remote areas in Garfield.

Other aspects of the job are more specific to small communities, like figuring out how to gather funding without big businesses generating tax revenue.

Why Is Sheriff an Elected Office?

In most counties in the U.S. sheriffs are elected for four-year terms. This is the case in Garfield.

As head of law enforcement in the county, the sheriff has the responsibility to uphold the Utah and United States constitutions. He must ensure all county, state and federal laws are followed. 

In addition to being responsible to his country, state and county, a sheriff is also directly accountable to the people.

Supporters of sheriff elections say the elections keep sheriffs accountable to their constituents in order to get re-elected. Others are not so sure this is the case.

As elected officials, the Garfield County sheriffs abide by a certain code of ethics that guides their actions.

Standards among this code of ethics include ensuring “equal protection of the law,” enforcing the standards of employees, keeping citizens informed about stewardship of public funds, and promising to “not use the Office of Sheriff for private gain.”

Background of the Candidates in Garfield

Sheriff Danny Perkins on Duty.
Sheriff Danny Perkins on Duty. Courtesy Jeff Richards Cedar City News.

Both of the candidates for sheriff in Garfield County have quite some experience in law enforcement and leadership positions. In an interview with Cedar City News, they each got the chance to comment on equal ground.

Perkins has been sheriff for 16 years and has been in law enforcement for 36 years. 

Houston was deputy for 21 years and Panguitch mayor for five-and-a-half years. He also served on the City Council for eight-and-a-half years.

Sheriff Perkins is proud of the work he has done over the past 16 years. He has worked hard to fix up the county jail. He said it is now “one of the most respected jails in the state of Utah.”

Perkins also cited participation in the Iron Garfield Beaver Task Force, as well as tourist and monetary concerns.

Eric Houston sitting at a desk.
Eric Houston sitting at the U.S. Secretary of Interior’s desk. Courtesy Eric Houston and Cedar City News.

But Houston believes he also brings great experience to the table. One special case that Houston called “quite an eye opening experience” was the Brian Head fire.

He was working as both mayor and sheriff’s deputy back in the summer of 2017 when the fire wreaked havoc on the area’s water supply. 

Houston felt that he would be able to improve morale at the sheriff’s office, as well as their involvement with the youth and collaborative projects.

Final Defense

In the end, Perkins held that his record speaks for itself. “I have never let anybody down,” he told Cedar City News.

Houston, though, said it was time for a change. “I’ll bring an unbelievable work ethic to the office,” he promised as they closed the interview.

The Byway

Feature image caption: Danny Perkins and Eric Houston are both campaigning for Garfield County sheriff this year. Courtesy Cedar City News.