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Panguitch Posts

This is an old news article. The events in this article happened in Panguitch in September 2022.

It has been a busy and fun summer filled with all sorts of activities and events! There was the Quilt Walk that always attracts a lot of people for a weekend of displays and sewing projects; the 4th and 24th of July; and the Balloon Festival time that is filled with family gatherings and reunions, plus parades and all sorts of fun.

With all the sports camps and family vacations, for many, summer is jam-packed! 

Welcome, Fall!

Now we welcome the fall season with the changing colors of spring-green leaves to the radiant orange, yellow and red autumn foliage that is so beautiful right now.

If you can, get out and go for a ride in the mountains and see the beauties of the season. If you can’t, get onto Jonie Barton’s website and see her pictures she has posted. She is a gifted photographer and captures many outdoor pictures of our surroundings and wildlife.

Panguitch Comings and Goings

Jaron Miller has set off for his MTC experience and will soon be in New York to serve his two-year mission. Nathen Armstrong recently received his mission call to serve in Hawaii. His mother, Lynn, is starting to save up to go escort him home in two years! Kyler Bennett has graduated from his national guard training and will be returning home in the next week to begin filling out his mission papers. We have some great youth in our area.

Rick and Kay Holman have returned from their mission service in the New York Church history sites mission.* Rick grew up in Panguitch, and he and Kay served in the Cedar City Temple presidency before leaving for New York.

John Seaman, former bank manager at our local Zion bank, is serving with his wife, Mary, in Italy on a family history mission.*

John’s mother, Mary Jane Seaman, recently passed away just short of her 101st birthday. She was a lovely lady and had ties to Panguitch. John and Mary will return home to Salt Lake later this year at the conclusion of their mission.

Kelly and Maurine Houston have purchased the home and property north of his parents’, Grant and Gloria’s, home on west center street and have begun clearing and cleaning up the site.

Kay and Ned Richards have been seen in town on several occasions this past summer. It’s always good to see former residents come home and spend a few days here.

Local Food and Some Primary Programs

It’s always a telling time that summer is waning when Henrie’s Drive-In closes up for the winter! It is a favorite stop for many tourists as well as the locals. 

We have some new eating establishments that have added some options for meals in town, though. Backyard Bistro has been a hit with its unique menus, and Cedar Breaks Grill is up and going. Our community has some great places to get a bite to eat!

We appreciate all the restaurants and eating places that are a draw for tourists as well as us locals.

The First Ward had its annual Fall Social at the stake center pavilion. There was a nice turnout, and the Navajo tacos and fun games were enjoyed by all who attended.

The Second Ward met the same evening for their annual soup and ice cream event and also had an enjoyable evening! These two wards also held their Primary programs the last Sunday of September. These are special times for the children to shine, and they definitely did! The music and talks were very inspiring. 

The Third Ward’s primary program will be held in November.


The community day of service was a success and many kind and generous acts were achieved. There were many who used this day to also serve in the temple.

Annie Anderson and the Marshall family recently organized their annual walk for Alzheimer Research. They want to encourage everyone to donate to this worthy cause as this disease affects most everyone in one way or another.

Locals Going on Trips

Pat and Mack Oetting have been on a two-week tour trip to Europe and thoroughly enjoyed it! These two must have energizer bodies as they seem to keep going and going! 

Mark and Kayla Boshell took their three youngsters and Grandpa and Grandma Evan and Ruth to Disneyland and the surrounding attractions for a week. 

Lavenda Moore also took a trip there with her grandson, Steven, and his family. Lavenda also runs on energizer batteries!

The Nay kids, Ashlee, Brittney, Courtney and Cole, took their families on a fun trip to Glacier National Park for a week before school started!

Activities for the Youth

About once a month a rodeo fun night is held at the Triple C Arena for all kids — young and old — to go and have friendly competitions in running the barrels and the poles and also try their skills at roping. It is really fun to go and watch these up-and-coming horsemen/women sharpen their skills and have fun doing it! Anyone can go and watch: it is usually held on a Monday evening.

The high school and middle school are starting their preparations to perform the play, “You’re a good man, Charlie Brown,” that they expect to present to the community sometime in November. We are grateful Mrs. Garn has stepped in to direct the play and look forward to seeing the performance.

High School cross-country, baseball and volleyball events will all be winding down throughout October. All have had successful seasons. 

Baseball play-offs have already started and will run through the first two weekends of October. 

Region cross-country competition will be held in Panguitch on October 18 with state being held in Salt Lake the following Tuesday, October 25. 

Volleyball state will be held at the SVC in Richfield on October 28-29. Good luck to all the teams and the participants and coaches! Go Bobcats!

New Beginnings

John and I attended the inauguration of SUU’s new president, Mindy Benson. She is the first female and local resident to be chosen as president of the university! She will serve SUU well and has many exciting plans in the making. Governor Cox and Steve Young also attended as special guests and speakers.

Congratulations to Lindsie Perkins and Jason Dalton and to Jantzen Orton and Oakley Johnson on their recent marriages! Also congratulations to Teah Caine and Alejandro Flores, to Ashlee and Jayton, to Robyn Sawyer and Kevan Ellett and to Amber Wilson and Marty Stubbs on their recent marriages! Lots of new beginnings going on.

Happy Fall

We in this area have been so blessed to receive the wonderful summer rains that have quite literally saved our pastures and rangelands, let alone our yards and gardens. They have definitely been a Godsend for us. Let’s all hope — and pray — for a good, wet winter that will help replenish our lakes, streams and reservoirs!

Happy fall everyone!

by Pam Yardley

*Editor’s Note: We do not have enough information to link these missions.

Read the October 2022 Panguitch Posts here.

Pam Yardley – Panguitch

Pam Yardley is our most consistent contributor. She writes the monthly Panguitch Posts column covering all events including births, sports, marriages, mission calls, ward parties, weather and deaths in Panguitch, Utah. Pam is a resident of Panguitch with lots of involvement in the community, and lots of family nearby. We sure love the small town view we get of Panguitch through her eyes!