“No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.” – James Allen
The Piute High School Student Council wanted to give students the opportunity to return thanks to veterans. They came up with two ideas.
On Friday, November 8, students handmade thank you cards that would be delivered to the veterans living in Piute County. Students created more than 50 unique cards that included their own messages of gratitude.
Then, on Monday, November 11, the Piute High School students got together to show their gratitude and love towards veterans. The student council printed a sign that reads, “Thank you Veterans!” During the assembly, each class was called up one at a time to sign the poster. Students left thoughtful notes giving thanks to those who served. Later, the sign was hung up on a fence at the front of the school for veterans to see as they drove by.

Mrs. Morgan, a teacher at Piute High School, commented, “I have several veterans in my family, and Veteran’s Day is a special day to me. I am glad that our students are taking the time to appreciate those who gave the most to our country.”
Piute Student Council plans to make this an annual event.
– by Hadley Morgan (11th) Piute High School
Feature image caption: The Piute students thank local veterans with a signed poster.

Read about Wayne High School’s Veterans Day observance in WHS Students Honor Veterans with Flags on School Lawn.
Hadley Morgan is a contributing writer from Piute High School. From time to time, The Byway receives submissions from high school kids, and we almost always publish these submissions. Sometimes the youth surprise us with their ideas, but it is certainly a joy to see what this generation has to say about the world and their place in it.
Read more about The Byway here.