Dr. Richard Birch will be leaving Garfield Memorial Hospital after 30 years of service to the community and all of Garfield County.
Dr. Birch began his service at Garfield Memorial under the tutelage of Dr. Terry Henrie and expressed his thanks to Dr. Henrie at the hospital foundation dinner. He said that “Dr. Henrie had patience with me as a new doctor and guided me in the way a local doctor should work and think.”
A reception was held August 30, 2024 at the Garfield Memorial Hospital Patio by the entrance to the Garfield County Nursing Home, honoring Dr. Birch. Many people from the community attended to say thank you for all the years of service. A large group of current and former staff also came to say thank you for all the years of working together. Those who have been coworkers with Dr. Birch indicated that they thoroughly enjoyed the association with him.
“Thank you Dr. Birch for saving my husband’s life,” said one patient’s wife. “I know that no one else could have convinced my husband to get on that helicopter.” Subsequently that patient had 5 bypass surgery and is alive and well today.
Although Dr. Birch is officially retired, he will be helping until the first of the year when a new physician will arrive.
Dr. Birch expressed his appreciation for coworkers who have been so outstanding and patients he has enjoyed helping.
– by Elaine Baldwin, The Byway
Feature image caption: Dr. Birch is greeted by former patients Nancy and Randy Houston at his retirement reception on August 30.

Read more Garfield Memorial Hospital news in Garfield Memorial Hospital Breaks Ground on Expansion.
Elaine Baldwin – Panguitch
Elaine Baldwin is an Editor/Writer for The Byway. She is the wife of Dale Baldwin, and they have three children, 11 grandchildren and one great granddaughter. Elaine enjoys making a difference in her world. She recently retired after teaching Drama for 20 years at Panguitch High School. She loves volunteering and finds her greatest joy serving in the Cedar City Temple each Friday.