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The four people in the Bryce Valley High School student council stand next to their school's tree at the festival.

Bryce Valley Student Council of 2023-24 Signs Off

Skyler Ott – President

During the 2023-24 school year at Bryce Valley High there was a need for unity and fun! As members of the executive council we felt it was important to select a theme for the year that embodies unity; we chose “One … ”!

Throughout the year we planned activities, dress up games, food parties, and fun trips to bring the school together. We also reviewed the “Bryce Valley High School Constitution” and decided to implement a change for the new up-in-coming school year. We have decided to add an additional member to the council, as well as split the duties of the council members!

I have been a member of the executive council at Bryce Valley High for two years now, my first as historian, and this year as president. It is safe to say that I have a huge place in my heart for student government. It has brought an ample amount of gratitude for the wonderful community members, students, faculty, and leaders that we have in our little valley! Best of luck to the new council. You’ll do great things!

Your 2023-24 student body president,

Skyler Ott

A group of Bryce Valley students in Sunday-dress.
A group of Bryce Valley students during one of their spirit week dress up days in April 2024. This was “best-dressed Tuesday.” Courtesy of BVHS.

Bradi Gates – Vice President

This year our theme was “One … ”. We wanted to emphasize unity in Bryce Valley, so we could come together as one team and one school. We worked together for a better school year, and had so much fun and so much growth along the way. I am grateful for the opportunity I had to make memories, make new friendships, and work with so many people. I learned a lot this year, and I would say we came out successful! Bryce Valley, you will be missed.

Signing off as vice president,

Bradi Gates

Oscar Word – Secretary

Our theme of “One … ” obviously applies to general school unity; however, it’s more versatile than that. As student body secretary, I additionally interpreted “One … Student Government,” with hopes of making everyone on the behind-the-scenes of student government operate more smoothly and with greater cooperation.

One aspect of that was solving a problem close to my heart: our organization documentation was in need of a serious facelift. We gave an archaic Google Doc and an esoteric Excel Spreadsheet a makeover that will (hopefully) make life easier for future councils.

There were more initiatives to make student government operate with greater efficiency and unity, but this is starting to drag, so I’m done. I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve as student body secretary; it was satisfying, enlightening, and fulfilling!

Much love,

Oscar Word

Another spirit week dress up day. This one was “mismatched Monday.” Courtesy of BVHS.

Zaren Roberts – Historian

Coming off a year that felt like there was not as much school spirit, we as a council wanted to unite the school starting with ourselves. We tried to better include everyone physically but also try everyone’s interests in any of our activities. This year has been awesome and I wouldn’t change a thing. I want to thank the rest of my council as well as our amazing student body. See you next year!

Zaren Roberts

by Bryce Valley Student Council

Feature image caption: Bryce Valley Student Council: Skyler Ott, Bradi Gates, Oscar Word and Zaren Roberts. The council enjoyed decorating a tree last November for the festival of trees in Panguitch.