Home » Written by Youth » The Ultimate Escape
Pink pigs drawn with marker. Kid's drawing.

“The Ultimate Escape” is one of 18 poems and essays published in print Issue 103 of The Byway. A selection of longer pieces including this one has been published online for more distanced readers.

Once upon a time I was scooting down the hill going to feed my pigs. As I was taking in the scenery I heard a wicked screech that echoed through the hills. 

I whipped around looking to see where the screech came from. With my heart thumping it fell to my stomach from my chest as I came to the realization of where that screech must have come from. I dropped my scooter and booked it to the pigs pen. As I got to the pigs pen I saw this gaping hole through the chicken wire. 

I felt the blood pumping in my ear. I couldn’t hear anything; the world crashed down around me as the truth unfolded in front of me. The pigs have escaped… 

I never knew this could happen to me on a Tuesday. Even though my whole day was sideways, I knew what I had to do. I booked it up the hill, grabbing my scooter along the way. I knew I couldn’t make it anywhere without my handy binoculars. I hear a screech to my right and I look out the window and I see them on the hill. They are mocking me for my stupidity. 

I knew that if I was gonna make it through the night I would need to bring my annoying but helpful sister Kandi along. I dragged my sister Kandi with me. I see them napping in the dirt. I climbed a tree and I jumped to do a full sneak attack on them then I pinned them to the floor. I knew those wrestling practices would come in handy.

Me and Kandi each have one pig and drag them down the hill. We shut them in a cage and lock them up tight. Me and Kandi take a breather as we enjoy our achievement. Me and Kandi walk up the hill and celebrate our victory over some garlic bread. 

I ruin the celebration by breaking the news that we forgot to fix the hole in the fence. 

Then I woke up and heard a screech. I knew exactly what to do. 

The End

by Jet (5th) Bryce Valley

Feature artwork by Kaslo M. (10) Escalante.

Read more LitJam writing in Quest for Candleflower.