At the Republican Caucus meeting held in Escalante on March 6, 2024, Bill Weppner read the Utah Republican Party platform, a document full of valuable information to help voters determine whether they agree or disagree with this party and what it stands for.
We offer the platforms of the two dominant political parties here in summary for citizens who have not read or heard them for your review and consideration.
The Utah Republican Party Platform
Preamble: The Republican Party of the Great State of Utah affirms their belief in God and supports government based upon a moral and spiritual foundation. They affirm freedom for every individual as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and protected by the Constitution.
The Proper Role of Government: Republicans believe government properly exists by the consent of the governed and must be restrained from intruding into the freedoms of its citizens. Government does not exist to grant rights, but to protect the unalienable, God-given rights of life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness.
Private Property: Republicans recognize the rights of the individual to own property and resist government efforts to take private property without an overwhelming need for public use.
Reaffirmation of States’ Rights: Republicans oppose congressional, judicial, and executive removal of states’ rights and oppose unreasonable and intrusive federal mandates.
Ethics and Standards: Republicans demand honesty, integrity, morality and accountability of public officials and strive to expose and stop corruption.
National Security/Public Protection: Republicans support a military for the safety and freedom of citizens. They support the Constitutional mandate to protect and secure national borders. They oppose placement of US troops under any foreign command, including the United Nations.
Self Defense: Republicans support the individual and constitutionally protected right of the people to keep and bear arms for security and defense of self, family, property and state.
Freedom of Religion: Republicans affirm the right to religious expression, including prayer, and expect the protection of government in securing freedom of religion.
Family Values: Republicans recognize the traditional family as the fundamental unit of society and affirm that parents have the right and primary responsibility to raise their children.
Right to Life: Republicans believe in the right to life for the born and the unborn. Life is sacred and they are opposed to abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide and public funding for these practices.
Human Services: Republicans believe the primary responsibility for meeting basic human needs rests with the individual, family and volunteer charitable organizations. They support requiring welfare recipients to work towards self-sufficiency.
Heritage: Republicans recognize the contributions made to our quality of life through ethnic diversity.
Equal Rights: Republicans believe no individual is entitled to rights that exceed or supersede the God-given rights guaranteed by the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Utah.
Education: Republicans believe all children should have access to quality education and that it is parents’ right and responsibility to choose public, private or home education.
Taxation: Republicans accept the necessity of limited taxation for the government to perform and administer essential public needs. They believe the best way to control government is to strictly control the amount of taxes imposed on the people.
Regulation: Government regulation can be a major impediment to productivity and competition. Regulatory power by the federal government must be eliminated or returned to state and local governments.
Economic Development: Republicans believe a strong, diversified economy based on a positive work ethic, a well-trained and well-educated workforce, a business-friendly environment, and a safe workplace will help Utah compete in a global market.
The Environment: Republicans appreciate the quality of Utah’s environment, believing the air, water and land are at the heart of our existence and must be protected through balanced management. They continue to seek responsible solutions to controversies surrounding the use of Utah’s wilderness.
They oppose as unconstitutional the declaration by any President without approval from Congress of any large tract of land as a national monument and call upon the Governor of Utah to bring any such declarations affecting Utah before the United States Supreme Court for reversal.
Jury: The jury is the only anchor by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.
Immigration: Republicans believe America is stronger because of the hard work and entrepreneurial spirit of legal immigrants. They believe that control of our borders is an urgent national security interest. They oppose illegal immigration, granting government benefits to illegal immigrants, and temporary worker programs that offer an automatic path to citizenship. Laws against employing illegal immigrants should be vigorously enforced.
Utah State Sovereignty: The 13 original states created the Constitution of the United States and later created the Federal Government, granting it limited and enumerated powers. All other powers are reserved for the states. Republicans resolve to ensure that Federal powers do not exceed those granted by the Constitution.
The Utah Democratic Party Platform
The Utah Democratic Platform is found at:
Economic Security: Democrats believe that all Americans deserve the peace of mind brought by economic security. As Democrats, they support efforts that help families and individuals build self-reliance. No one should be denied access to basic human services.
Equality of Opportunity: Democrats believe that everyone deserves an opportunity to pursue their dreams and that everyone has something to contribute. People should be treated equitably to have a real opportunity for success. They recognize that our government plays an important role in ensuring fairness for all Americans.
Investing in the Common Good: Democrats believe that government should protect and provide for the public welfare and the common good. They support investments that enrich our communities. They believe in sustainable stewardship of our state’s natural resources to benefit current and future generations. They believe their representatives should rely on the best available evidence and science when making decisions.
American Leadership: Democrats believe that America’s place is as a leader among nations, a champion of democracy and human rights, and a defender of science and technology.
By becoming informed on these platforms, we are better able to align with those organizations that support our personal values and goals.
– The Byway
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Read about the principles that might guide these platforms in AJ Martel’s Principles-Based Politics.