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Celeste Maloy Wins Primary Race for 2nd Congressional District

Many of us waited and wondered Wednesday night what would happen in a possible Republican runoff in the Second Congressional District. Votes from a dozen counties were still being reported, and the count was too close to call. It was then that candidate Becky Edwards stepped forward and conceded the election to Celeste Maloy.

Wednesday afternoon Maloy received a call from Edwards congratulating her on winning the race, according to a spokesperson from Edwards’ campaign.

The race was tight on election night, but as updated numbers came in Maloy pulled steadily ahead. Although not all of the ballots have been counted, Becky Edwards could see that she was not going to win.

“While there remain ballots to be counted, we have come up short in this race,” Edwards said in a statement posted on social media. “As our campaign comes to a close, we want to extend our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you.”

Celeste Maloy will now move on to face the Democratic candidate on November 21, 2023. She is pleased to have this race over so she can focus on the upcoming general election.

According to Brigham Tomco writing for Deseret News, Maloy said her priority over the next few months is to “unite Republican voters so that we are going strong into the general.”

“It’s been a tough primary, and I want to make sure that all of the Republicans who backed someone else in this race know that I’m ready to welcome them with open arms. I want to represent them well and I want everybody to be pulling together going into the general,” she said.

Edwards said she would back Maloy all the way.

The Democrats have chosen State Senator Kathleen Riebe to represent them in the race for the Second Congressional District seat being vacated by Christ Stewart, popular six-term Congressman.

Riebe is relatively unknown outside of the Salt Lake area, but Maloy is not too well known in the Salt Lake area. It could be an interesting fall.

The Byway

Feature image caption: Celeste Maloy after she won the Republican nomination at the convention in June. Courtesy KSL.