Today’s generation relies heavily on electronics and in turn the social media world. Unlike Generation X and the “Baby Boomers,” Generation Z and Alpha have already spent most of their lives attached to a screen in front of their faces. This habit has caused many to have a desperate need to have a screen always in reach, whether these screens or electronic devices be phones, laptops, TVs, iPads or more. With the evolution of technology these electronic devices have evolved so much that social media has become a part of our everyday lives. While social media has very good aspects to it, the cons are growing.
Social Media’s Influence on Young People
Social media has grown tremendously over the last couple of years. Different platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok are among the most used social media programs. These platforms are a place for users to see what is going on around them, to share what’s going on in their lives and overall just create content. In the beginning this was a great way to stay in contact with long distance relationships, but nowadays it is mentally draining. Social media’s targeted audience, teenagers, have found a lifestyle where they are “sucked in,” needing approval from other users by getting likes or views. As the article “Investigating the Role of Social Media on Mental Health” from Emerald Inside talks about, the feeling of needing to be recognized and loved from online accounts has consumed the teenagers of today.
With this new effect that social media has brought to the minds of teenagers, a whirlpool of spiraling mental issues has risen.
Social media has also made it easier to become a cyberbully. With just a few clicks a “funny” comment or a dislike can send a person down the whirlpool. This being said, kids are now being taught of the dangers of social media; however, it can still be difficult to decipher between the truth and the lies. With cyberbullying, it can be difficult to tell a friend, parent or trusted adult what is going on behind the screen.
It Can Be Used the Correct Way
Like mentioned previously, not all the use of social media is bad. It gives a way to keep in touch with long distance friends or relatives. Social media can also help spread the word of big events going on for schools, businesses or in our personal lives. It can bring awareness and love for activities. The positive outcomes of social media are many, but only if social media is used the correct, safe and friendly way.
After all has been said, the reliance on social media and the need to fit certain standards needs to be diminished if not abolished. Social media can be fake. Pictures are altered, staged and only show the events or angles to make it seem like life is perfect. In reality, life is everything but perfect, full of trials and tribulations. Instead of constantly scrolling and comparing ourselves, let’s be happy with ourselves and our lives, and not what the social media standards tell us to be.
– by Ari Hurdsman (18) Junction
Feature image caption: Many young people today grew up with screens and social media constantly in their faces, creating an unhealthy “need” for social media interaction. Sadly, social media can also be very mentally draining on these young people. We need to find a better way.

Ari Hurdsman – Junction
Ari Hurdsman is a junior journalist at the Byway. She just recently moved to Ephraim, Utah, where she is a freshman at Snow College. She enjoys writing about Piute sports, and she’s really good at it! In her free time, she enjoys singing, dancing, reading and hanging out with friends and family.