Home » Written by Youth » ‘O Christmas Tree’: The Significance of the Tree to the Christmas Season
Christmas trees with the stars, the moon, and a campfire around them.

‘O Christmas Tree’: The Significance of the Tree to the Christmas Season

“O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree

How lovely are thy branches”

Written by Ernst Anschütz in 1824, this Christmas classic highlights one of our favorite holiday traditions: the Christmas tree. Because Ernst is of German descent, it comes as no surprise that Germany itself is credited with starting the beloved tradition. 

History.com gives the following background of the Christmas tree: “It is a widely held belief that Martin Luther, the 16th-century Protestant reformer, first added lighted candles to a tree. Walking toward his home one winter evening, composing a sermon, he was awed by the brilliance of stars twinkling amidst evergreens. To recapture the scene for his family, he erected a tree in the main room and wired its branches with lighted candles.”

Much like Martin Luther, I too am awed by the magical sight of a lit and decorated Christmas tree. Amongst all Christmas traditions, I look forward to this tradition the most and enjoy doing it with those that I love.

Rather than buying an artificial tree this year, we plan to go “Christmas tree hunting” in hopes to find the perfect real tree. You can do this too! However, ensure that you follow all the right steps to obtain your tree! By visiting https://forestproducts.blm.gov/, you can receive a permit that will allow you to legally cut down your Christmas tree — for only ten dollars!

After obtaining your ultimate tree, decorating it according to theme can come with many tough decisions. Fortunately there is no right or wrong way to decorate. Whether it be tall or short, simple or extravagant, a Christmas tree is sure to bring joy to your family the entire holiday season.

Reminder of the True Meaning of Christmas

Despite the excitement that this Christmas tradition brings, I urge each of you to reflect on following lyrics from O Christmas Tree, the same Ernst Anschütz song, in order to remember the true reason for the season: 

“Let us all remember in our gift giving and our merriment

With our family and friends and loved ones

The real and true meaning of Christmas

The birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.”

As you gather around your beautiful Christmas tree with loved ones and friends, let it remind you of the beauty and peace that this holiday holds. In doing this, the staff here at The Byway hopes for safe travels and a very merry Christmas to all.

– by Hailee Eyre (18) Cedar City/Panguitch

Feature image caption: Christmas trees with the moon and stars all around them, not unlike those depicted in “O Christmas Tree” and in Martin Luther’s first description. Courtesy Alora T., Torrey.

Hailee Eyre