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Becky Edwards, Mike Lee, and Ally Isom at the Republican debate Wednesday

Letter: Garfield Commissioners Support Mike Lee

With control of the United States Senate at stake this November, it is critical that we in Utah vote to keep Mike Lee in the Senate. We simply cannot afford two more years of Chuck Schumer and the Democrats rubber stamping President Biden’s destructive agenda. We are already suffering the consequences of their irresponsible spending sprees in the form of unprecedented inflation. If Republicans fail to regain control of the Senate, we can surely expect the spending and inflation to continue.

On top of that, Democrats have explicitly stated their desire to get rid of the Senate filibuster and pack the Supreme Court so they can ram through even more of President Biden’s radical left-wing agenda. While we are unaware of Evan McMullin’s stance on court packing, he has stated his support for weakening the filibuster. If Democrats retain control of the Senate and scrap the filibuster with McMullin’s help, we would be subjected to at least another two years of destructive Democratic policies.

Senator Lee on the other hand has been a stalwart supporter of maintaining the institutional integrity of the Senate and the Supreme Court. He is also a principled fiscal conservative who has voted against the Democrats’ massive spending bills while proposing alternative, commonsense policies like the PRICE Act to rein in spending and cut inflation.

Senator Lee is also a great friend and ally to rural Utah. In Garfield County, the county we represent, more than 90 percent of the land is controlled by the federal government. The prosperity of our families, communities, and local economy is directly tied to these lands. Whenever challenges or disagreements with the federal government have arisen in our county, Senator Lee has always stood with us, fought for us, and made sure our voices have been heard.

We respect Senator Lee and appreciate the work he has done for Utah as our senator. We endorse him without reservation and encourage all Utahns to vote to keep our friend and ally Mike Lee in the United States Senate.


Feature image caption: Mike Lee greeting the candidates during the initial debate for Republican senator. June 2022. Courtesy Trent Nelson/Salt Lake Tribune.