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BV ‘Gathers to Say Thank You’ at Veterans Day Assembly

TROPIC, Utah (November 11, 2022) — Every year Bryce Valley High School holds a Veterans Day assembly honoring brave men and women — including locals — who’ve served their country in the armed forces. The whole community is invited.

Both the high school and elementary school students gathered in the BVHS auditorium to say thank you to veterans. The program included a song from Bryce Valley’s chorus, a guest talk from veteran Dan Lothamer and a final recognition of the veterans in the community.

The chorus sang, “Let Freedom Ring,” an anthem to the many ways Americans recognize freedom in our daily lives. It shows up in worship, in actions towards others and especially “when we remember those who gave their all.”

Guest Speaker Daniel Lothamer

The guest speaker was Daniel Lothamer, a builder at Bryce Canyon National Park and veteran. He’d had a long and successful career traveling the world with the U.S. Navy.

Lothamer started by asking if anyone knew what Veterans Day was. A number of eager children raised their hands. Their answers included, to “honor people who have died in service,” and to “honor our ancestors and people who’ve fought in wars and saved people’s lives.”

Lothamer told the audiences of his experiences with the U.S. Navy, saying he “spent almost 24 years in active duty and wearing a uniform.” From his demeanor it was clear that he had much gratitude for the experiences he had over these years serving his country.

He expressed some awkwardness mixed with appreciation for hearing the words “thank you” associated with veterans. He explained that “it wasn’t always like that.”

Lothamer then gave his support for anyone thinking of joining the military. “You will build relationships in your career that will last for a lifetime,” he told the students. You could run into someone you were stationed with, and it would “be like meeting an old friend.” And you could find them anywhere, including at a national park in the middle of Southern Utah.

“I can’t say enough about the opportunities it gave me,” he said.

Recognition of Veterans

The program ended with a final recognition of local veterans. Principal Jeff Brinkerhoff asked that any veterans in attendance come to the front. Five men stood.

The principal then gave each of the students the opportunity to personally thank these veterans and shake their hands. It was a special moment.

The Veterans Day assembly gave the community a chance to give back to the local veterans who gave their all. Hopefully it’s an experience these students will always remember.

The Byway

Feature image caption: “Happy Veterans Day! Thankful to honor these Veterans and be able to thank them in person for their service to our nation. Thanks to Skylie for organizing and helping plan the assembly!” wrote BVHS in a Facebook post. Courtesy BVHS.