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Wayne School Board Meeting, March 16

On Wednesday, March 16, 2022, the Wayne School Board met. To start the meeting, Business Administrator Tyler Newton began the meeting with some exciting news for students of Wayne County. The State Legislature passed HB-475, which sets aside 50 million dollars in one-time funding to be used by small schools for capital projects. Tyler explained that there are stipulations to qualify for the funding, and the district will have to go through and application process to be awarded the funds.

HB-475: Funding for Capital Projects

Any scenario to qualify for the HB-475 funds would mean a tax increase for county residents. The major question as to how much tax increase would be required by the state depends on construction costs for a new Wayne High School. Construction costs have ranged wildly and recent estimates range from $350 a square foot to $550 per square foot. There are also unknown factors about the application process itself such as whether the state will award the full amount to one applicant, or spread it out? With only 10 districts eligible to even apply for the funds, and Wayne School District’s lobbying efforts, the future of the new WHS is optimistic. The district will move forward with the designing and bid process for the new school to get an idea of how to proceed.

Citizen Response

During citizen comments, Roma Roderick announced that she will run for school board. She prioritizes quality teachers and activities over facilities. She pledged that if elected, she would pay all expenses associated with public service — she feels that to be her civic duty. Another citizen comment from Chad Roderick expressed his belief that the current building is adequate. He is also concerned about the amount of money spent on school board travel, training, and costs associated with them.

Superintendent Randy Shelly gave a brief update on the progress of the strategic plan — specifically a plan to improve communication between the district and the public and employee code of conduct. Randy also announced the name of the district plan: Project Weave. He explained, “the idea being that all the different things that we’ve talked about in that plan we’re going to weave together to make one product.” Now the Project Weave is complete, the district will work to get the plan out to the community, with the idea that it is a “working document” that could be changed as needed.

Randy also touched on his experience in Salt Lake at the legislative session. He noted that after the networking for the first two weeks he was told, “that’s enough, now just sit back and work the back channels.” Board Members also highlighted the work done by Randy and positive feedback on Randy’s efforts to get capital funding legislation passed for Wayne students.

The board approved the School Fee Schedule, the 2022-2023 school schedule, District Strategic Plan, the readings of various policies, and new hires.

Student School Board Member Report

Shaleen, student school board member gave her report celebrating the accomplishments of many WHS students: state basketball just ended with both girls and boys team doing well, golf and track are starting up, and Wayne FFA went to State Convention. Five FFA students got their state degrees: Eli B., Allee V., Dax T., Hallee S., and Shaleen. Ryker G. took state in Star Green Hand Award. WHS FFA got the Superior Chapter Award, 10% Member Increase Award, and took State in Outstanding Food for America. Congratulations Wayne students!

Corey Anderson made a suggestion as to how to recognize the service of past employees. He also passed along compliments he heard about Wayne’s Sterling Scholars.

The Byway

Read about a more recent school board meeting here.