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Panguitch Posts

This is an old news article. The events in this article happened in Panguitch in April 2022.

Panguitch High School Jr. Prom was held on April 2 at the County Fair Building. This event is one of the premier highlights for high school students in our small communities. The theme this year was Grease and the decorations fit perfectly with this theme with old cars, a jukebox, and strings of lights across the ceiling. 

The floor show was so fun and the promenade was one that the kids actually had fun participating in! A big thanks to the prom chairpersons, Adelaide E. and Owen C. and to all who help with the decorating and the un-decorating. The king and queen selected by the class were Arik B. and Ava R. Special thanks to class advisors Mr. Garn and Mrs. Cowen.

Our community was saddened to hear of the passing of Ileta Dix, a special soul who passed away the last week of March. Everyone loved Ileta. She was so loving and kind and positive and will be remembered for giving away two dollar bills and for admonishing us to “never give up on anybody!”

Lavenda Moore celebrated her 89th birthday on April 4! You would never believe she is 89 as she runs circles around people much younger than she is. Her family had a celebration for her on Saturday, April 2 with 50 people in attendance and on Sunday with 70 family and friends. In Lavenda’s words, “It couldn’t have been any better!!”

Another special friend has recently passed away, Bobbie Allison. She and her dear husband, Eldie, are the best of people and great examples of devotion and love for each other. Our family loves going to sing Christmas carols to them each Christmas and they always make us feel extra special. We will miss Bobbie and extend our love to Eldie.

Several young men in our area have received their mission calls and some have already left to begin their service. Cody Frandsen left for the MTC in Mexico to learn Spanish before heading to the Guatemala Quetzaltenango Mission; Thomas Marshall has been called to serve in the Dominican Republic*; Paxton Wolfley has just recently been called to serve in the Trinidad Port-of-Spain Mission; Gavin Morgan of Circleville received his call to serve in the Texas Houston Mission; and Jaden Westwood of Circleville is going to serve in the Iowa Iowa City Mission*. We are so excited for these young people to have this wonderful experience that will enhance the rest of their lives!

Our high school track team has had a good season so far and is doing well in each of the events. The girls softball team is also playing well despite the weather being blustery for most of the games. The team plays here at home the next few games: next Thursday (April 28) with Milford, May 4 with Kanab and May 5 with Parowan. If you want a little excitement, head to the ball park and support the girls!

Evelyn Black and Joan Norton went on a recent group tour to Israel/Holy Lands!

Cole (Tug) and Brooke Nay are proud parents of a new baby boy, Dutton Cole Nay, born on April 4 weighing in at 10 lbs. 4 ozs.! Congratulations to the new parents and family members!

Don’t forget Mother’s Day on May 8!

The DUP Convention will be held in the Panguitch 2nd Ward building on Saturday, May 7, for all DUP members in this area. Please plan to attend!

Please call me with your news!

*Editor’s Note: The unlinked missions are ones I did not have enough information to find links to.

by Pam Yardley

See older Panguitch Posts at the link.

Pam Yardley – Panguitch

Pam Yardley is our most consistent contributor. She writes the monthly Panguitch Posts column covering all events including births, sports, marriages, mission calls, ward parties, weather and deaths in Panguitch, Utah. Pam is a resident of Panguitch with lots of involvement in the community, and lots of family nearby. We sure love the small town view we get of Panguitch through her eyes!