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Leland Pollock

The Garfield County Republican Convention was held at Panguitch High School on April 6. The Teenage Republicans (TARs) started the convention with a lasagna dinner fundraiser.  Much thanks to Elaine Baldwin and the TARs and all they do to support our convention! The funds raised from the dinner will go towards the teens’ trip to Washington D.C. this summer.  

Since none of the positions in the Republican party are contested this year (within the party), we did not hold elections. The focus of the meeting was to find ways to be more involved and support those up for election. County Clerk Camille Moore, Sherriff Danny Perkins, Commissioner David Tebbs, Commissioner Leland Pollock and County Attorney Barry Huntington are all up for re-election. 

County Commissioner Jerry Taylor provided some opening remarks offering all in attendance some motivation to be more involved. Then all the candidates took the opportunity to highlight the progress and success that they have had while serving our county. 

We had many people speak, and several traveled a long way to participate. The highlight was having Lieutenant Governor Deidre Henderson speak about her efforts in making Utah a great place to live. Several others who traveled to meet with the delegates included State Representative Phil Lyman, State Senator David Hinkins, and State Treasurer Marlo Oaks.  

It is safe to say our county leaders have made fiscally responsible decisions and placed our county in a great position to be the best place to live. We had some great talks regarding Republican values and being involved locally. 

Garfield County is an incredible place to live and raise a family and we owe so many of our elected officials for keeping Garfield County a safe and enjoyable place to live.  Let’s all find a way to be more involved and ensure future generations will have the opportunity to live and raise a family in this great county.

by Marc Henrie

Feature image caption: Leland Pollock speaks at the convention.