Home » Written by Youth » Creating Our Own New Beginning
Apricot blossoms representing a new beginning

During Easter time, the weather begins to warm as we watch the sun begin to shine down and allow the beautiful greenery to spring up once more. It is a time where new forms of life start to peek through the dirt and make their appearance, giving clear meaning to the saying, “April showers bring May flowers.” 

However, we too, as human beings, can decide to make a change. Regardless of our race, political beliefs, gender, ethnicity, or religion, each of us can choose to better ourselves and work toward creating our own “new beginning.” Change is important, and living in a world where hatred and envy hang heavy in the air, what better time to change, than now? 

Make a plan for yourself! The changes you choose to make can be big or small and done in whatever time frame works best for you. Entrepreneur.com offers ten steps to making positive changes in your everyday life: 

  1. Define success. Only you know what will make you feel fulfilled.
  2. Visualize that success.  
  3. Forget entitlement. 
  4. Think small to think big. 
  5. Consistency is key. 
  6. Prioritize
  7. Delegate
  8. Find collaborators
  9. Stay Motivated 
  10. Take Stock and Try Again Tomorrow

All of what we are able to accomplish in this life, and the life to come, is made possible by Jesus Christ who so long ago broke the bands of death. Living in a troubled world, He delivers us and gives us peace.

“With hosanna and hallelujah, we celebrate the living Jesus Christ at this season of continuing Restoration and Easter,” said Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “With perfect love, our Savior assures us: ‘In me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.’ In both, we rejoice in the return of Jesus Christ. He lives—not only then, but now; not just for some, but for all. He came and comes to heal the brokenhearted, deliver the captives, recover sight to the blind, and set at liberty those who are bruised. That’s each of us. His redeeming promises apply, no matter our past, our present, or concerns for our future.”

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I know my Savior Jesus Christ still lives, but at one time, died for each and every inhabitant of this Earth. I will forever be grateful for the blessings that come from this saving Atonement and I know that each of us have the opportunity to use this blessing to create our own new beginning during this Easter season, and form an even better version of ourselves. Happy Easter 🙂

by Hailee Eyre (17) Panguitch

Feature image caption: Spring blossoms bury an apricot tree in Escalante on April 2.

Hailee Eyre