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Drawing of a kid playing in the snow

The Meaning of Christmas, Loa Elementary

Here is the meaning of Christmas for Loa Elementary:

Brexton (2nd) –

I love Christmas! It is the best month ever. We open gifts and toys or cool things, like a new pair of shoes or other things that you need. We go see my friends, family, cousins or Grandma and Grandpa. Christmas will be so fun. I will sit on Santa’s lap and tell him what I want and he will listen to me. He is so nice! He’s so sweet too. I do not know how he can get in our houses, and I will go to my Grandma and Grandpa Olsen’s house. We will spend time with my family and most of the time we will go to my uncle Arin and my cousins are so fun. They let me play with them there. Fun, so fun!

Brooklyn (2nd) –

What Christmas means to me

Baby Jesus was born on Christmas. When he grew up he was really nice. He still cared about bad kids even when they were really really bad. Next, presents are cool because you get cool presents. You might get a Barbie set, or a pillow, and the last thing if you be bad, you get coal. Last, Santa when Christmas Day is here during the night he comes.

Shelby (2nd) –

What Christmas Means to Me

First, I like spending time with my family. And going to grama’s house and opening presents! Me and my cousins have all our own stockings. This year I hope Santa brings me an iPhone! But I hope it is pink if he brings it! And I will be a friend to everybody! Merry Christmas!

Kieran (2nd)

I like Santa because he gives us presents to open. He’s so nice to give us presents to open. We get so much presents it’s so fun. Then we play with the toys that we got. Sometimes we get games to play with my toys. It’s so much fun to play with my toys! Toys are so fun, to play with toys, to play and the next present, [ ] I’m so happy it’s a big present. It luks like a four wilr!

Paizlee (2nd) –

Christmas means to me: family. I don’t get to see all of my family very often. My grandpa Erdy lives in Richfield and my uncle CJ and Ruger live in Cedar City. So on Christmas they all come and visit. So Christmas is a special day for me. I don’t care much for the presents. I care about my family.

AJ (2nd) –

I like Christmas because I get to open presents. My stocking is fun. I get a lot of stuff. I get to see my brother and my sisters. I want to sleep in, but my brother wakes me up.

– Eastyn (2nd) –

Christmas is fun. You get lots of toys and presents. Santa leaves big foot prints in the snow. I also like spending time with my family. [I’ll set up] my camera and try to catch Santa.

– Summit P. (2nd) –

There are so many great things about Christmas but these are my three favorite things. Roodoff is kina a old show but I still love watching it at my grandma’s house. I love Santa. Some people don’t believe Santa, but I do and always will. Santa is so so nice. Some people think presents are the most important. Presents are fun but family is what Christmas was made for.

H. (2nd) –

Christmas is a good time of year, but do you know what it acsule is for? Prsnule, I would think that we celubrate Christmas because baby Jesus is born.

Nathan D. (2nd) –

I love snow because it is refreshing. I like to eat it. My family I love because they care for me and I care for them. Presents are the best because they’re a surprise.

Adalyn (2nd) –

What Christmas means to me is when baby Jesus was born and opening presents and going to Richfield and opening gifts. And on Christmas Eve we get new PJ’s. I’m always so so so so excited. What I want the most is lots of Barbys. And another thing I want is a bead set.

Baylee (2nd) –

What Christmas means to me is having fun with my family. Also having fun and loving your elf and your family too. It means being good to others.

Bryan (2nd) –

I like Christmas because Santa gives us presents and time with family.

Bethany (2nd) –

The first thing I think about on Christmas is family. I’m glad I have a family. Next I think about friends. I would be pretty lonely without friends.

Ava (2nd) –

We play board games, we drink hot coco, we eat cookies, we for we and stay the store to get shaeks. Our neighbors.

Logan (2nd)

I get to open gifts. Gifts make me happy. I like seeing my cousins. I haven’t seen my cousins from Salt Lake for a long long time.

Bryndl J. (5th) Bicknell

I enjoy Christmas because I love spending time with my family. Christmas to me means a time to receive presents. I like waiting for Santa Claus to come and visit in the night. I like to give presents because it makes me happy.

Tucker N. (5th) Loa

Christmas means I can hang out with my family and I can go visit my friends. I like to give presents to my brother and sisters. I like to wait for Santa and his reindeer. It’s a happy time of year.

Jasper B. (5th) Bicknell

The meaning of Christmas is celebrating Jesus’ birthday, and spending time with your family. It’s not always about gifts. And your parents are just nice enough to get you presents, same with Santa. So be thankful for what you have.

Karsten P. (5th) Loa

I love Christmas because it is my favorite. I like it because I get presents and toys. I like hanging out with my family. I am glad that we are on school break. I like to eat the yummy food that we have. I like to play in the snow. Hopefully we will have some.

Court F. (5th) Fremont

Christmas is not just about getting presents. It is to remember Christ and spend time with family and friends, although it is fun to get presents and play with them. I love watching movies with my family and drinking hot chocolate. That is what Christmas means to me.

Kyson S. (5th) Torrey

What does Christmas mean to me? Christmas means a lot to me. I think Christmas is about spending time with family and having fun. I like getting gifts, but I like giving them more. I like thinking about why Christmas is celebrated. It is celebrated for the birth of Jesus Christ.

James P. (5th) Fremont

What Christmas Means to Me Christmas means holly jolly joy-filled air and lots of love everywhere! Christmas means toys and fun for everyone. Christmas means stockings hung with care there, there, and everywhere!

Riley D. (5th) Fremont

What Christmas means to me is spending time with my family. My family is important to me because we grow a bigger bond with each other and with nature. It helps us grow a bond with nature because we will appreciate what we have more than we appreciate it now. 

One of the things that we as a family like to do is to go to Bryce Canyon to ice skate and to see how it’s different in winter than it is in summer. Everything is a white wonderland and there are so many different animals out and about. We also like to go to Bryce Canyon in winter mainly because it is not as busy.

Brinlee B. (5th) Lyman

What Christmas means to me is spending time with my family. It also means having fun with family and not just the family you live with, but also with cousins I have not seen in a while. It is also the best time to go outside and play in the snow and make snowmen and snow angels and I make snow balls so you can throw them at you sisters and brother. 

It is also the best time of the year to have hot chocolate. My family likes to make sweets and goodies. We also like to make gingerbread cookies and gingerbread houses and decorating the gingerbread cookies and houses. And decorating the house for Christmas.

Wyatt P. (5th) Loa

What does Christmas mean to me? I think the meaning of Christmas is to be with family and friends, as well as to have a fun time doing Christmas activities—such as building a snowman or having a snowball fight. It is also fun to decorate all the house and the Christmas tree. It is fun because we usually get a big family dinner. And one of my favorites is to go sledding! Also my favorite is to eat goodies. And the best of all we get to go hunting!

Finlee H. (5th) Teasdale

Christmas means to me that everyone gets along. We can all have a good time. I also like it because we all get so much stuff. It is fun because I get to play with my family. My mom makes it so much fun to wait for Santa. My family makes cookies for Santa before we go to bed.

– Phoebe V. (5th) Teasdale –

What does Christmas mean to me? Well Christmas is a very fun holiday like most holidays. Well, some people might not think this but, most people think Christmas is about the gifts Santa brings you. Yes, I do like presents a lot. I like when my elf comes and hides, I like when we have Christmas parties, I like when Santa comes, and last but not least I like spending time with my family. I also like the goodies that are made, and all the fun my family has. I like my family a lot, and that is what Christmas means to me. Merry Christmas!

– Hattie W. (5th) Lyman –

What Christmas means to me is that family is there for me. It also means that the cold crisp air smells fresh with a pine scent and cool. What I love about this time is that all my cousins come over and play from Salt Lake City and Cedar City to my grandma’s. I also love having hot chocolate on a cold day. Being with my family beats all!

– Tait T. (5th) Fremont –

To me, Christmas is getting together with your family and friends to celebrate the birth of Jesus. It’s staying up late with a first time heifer about to calf. It’s getting stuck in the snow and just trying to get to the bus. It’s going to all the old ladies’ houses and delivering firewood.

– Jasper P. (5th) Teasdale –

Christmas means that it’s winter and that means that it’s ski season. I love to go skiing and have snowball fights. Also you can go cross country skiing and that’s really fun too. I like decorating the Christmas tree and getting presents for people is fun. I like seeing the expressions on their face.

Alorah T. (5th) Torrey

What does Christmas mean to me? Christmas means a quiet, nice relaxing day with the ones I love the most. And when we give gifts, I love seeing the joy that they bring. I like getting presents but I love giving them more. I love Christmas because it is the time for believing, so my goal is to believe in everyone.

– Ellie B. (5th) Bicknell –

What Christmas means to me is spending time with family and friends and getting to see joy on peoples’ faces when they open their presents. My favorite part of Christmas though is playing secret Santa. When my family goes up to Salt Lake to my grandparents for Thanksgiving we draw each other’s names. I’m always prepared before I draw a name though because one time I forgot about it and had no idea what to get my brother. I also remember my sister getting me a Doc McStuffins lego set for secret Santa. 

My next favorite part is decorating together with family and friends. My mom has two Christmas trees for upstairs (only she gets to decorate so it looks nice) and one downstairs (which is the kids’ so we decorate it how we want) the one that is downstairs really has rainbow colors. Every year we make new ornaments so it is CRAZY. My mom works really hard on her tree and it always turns out better than ever. 

She also works at town hall in Bicknell and does a really big celebration for Christmas. The town started this a while ago. What we do is you can make an ornament at your house. It can be whatever you want. And then on one day before Christmas the whole town gets to decorate a big tree at the memorial and have hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies to eat. My mom usually works on all of the events for the town but I think she does awesome on the Christmas celebration. 

So what Christmas means to me is spending time with family and friends and enjoying time with everyone. I hope you like to do that too.

Camden D. (5th) Loa

Christmas is a time when everyone is happy and kind to one another and it gives me a feeling inside that I cannot even describe. I just love that happy feeling when you can get together with family and friends and make them happy. I really like to play in the snow and then come in for a warm cup of hot chocolate. I love to Secret Santa people in my family and even people that are not in my family. I like to give the toys I grew out of to people that would make them happy to receive a gift like that. 

Another thing that makes me happy is decorating the tree with your family. It is fun to see all of the ornaments and decorations that me and my family have made over the years. For me, Christmas is also a time of service. You know that feeling when you give someone something and they give thanks and you’re a little embarrassed, but you’re also feeling good inside? Well I really like that feeling because it shows me that they appreciate what I’ve done for them. 

And last but definitely not least is the feeling when you fall to sleep on Christmas Eve, knowing what joy will come the next day. And the next day you wake up early and have a merry Christmas with your family. There are the presents getting passed around and the great times that you have on Christmas. 

It is always hard for Christmas time to end, because then you’ve got a whole new year waiting for you.

Kenley A. (5th) Loa

The meaning of Christmas is that I get to spend time with family. It means that Santa comes to town and my elf came to town. It means that Jesus was born on Christmas. He was born on Christmas Eve. And they celebrated it and Santa brings presents on Christmas Eve, and we can be happy and have fun.

– Kirran F. (5th) Teasdale –

Christmas is a holiday that about 1 or 2 billon people celebrate. The best way to celebrate is to make snowballs and even decorate something cool outside. Basically like lights and maybe some snowmen but the most important thing for Christmas is the tree. The tree needs decorations on it. A star jingle bells, lights and ornaments. And just wait for Santa to put those presents down so the next day you will open those presents.

– Nicolas A. (5th) Torrey

What is the meaning of Christmas? Well I think the meaning of Christmas is to celebrate Jesus because he was so pure. The other meaning I think Christmas holds is to bring families closer than usual and more together, also Christmas has gifts and everyone is happy except your wallet. And there are Christmas songs, jingles and more. Last but not least, Christmas gives us a time off from school and work. I also love Christmas films and present openings.

Joey J. (5th) Loa

I think that Christmas means fun with family and friends, and lots of gifts and to give gifts to family. I like to cut a tree and haul the tree to the house and decorate it. It fills the house with joy. And then we watch a Christmas movie.

Braxton N. (5th) Loa

Christmas means spending time with family. Whether we are playing games or just visiting, it is fun. I love giving gifts to my family and friends. Christmas Day is a day to relax and have fun. And watch holiday movies.

Merry Christmas
Courtesy Hattie W. Lyman.

Feature image caption: A kid playing in the snow. Courtesy Tucker N., Loa Elementary.