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Wayne County School District Happenings

Dear Stakeholders,

Last month, school report cards were released to the public. This practice has been in place for many years as a way to let stakeholders know how their community schools are doing. For several years, these report cards have been issued without assigning a letter grade to the school. This year, the practice of assigning a letter grade was reintroduced. I am happy to report that WCSD did very well. Loa Elementary received a letter grade of “A”, Wayne Middle School a “B”, and Wayne High School also received a “B”. Because of the size of the school, Hanksville Elementary did not receive a grade. Several factors are used in determining school grades, including student proficiency, student academic growth, graduation rate, college and career readiness, etc. More information about each school’s performance for the 2021-2022 school year can be found here. There are links to each school’s report card toward the bottom of the page. 

In July, I shared a letter with the community discussing the need for and our plans to build new schools. Currently, designs are almost complete for a replacement high school to house students in grades 7 through 12, a new elementary to house students in grades Pre-K through 6, and a renovated district office. VCBO architects have been meeting with district and school administrators, teachers, and staff to assure all needs are being considered in the design. We submitted our application for funding to the state on October 31st, applying for the full grant amount. We should know by mid-December about funding.

On October 26th you may have seen a notification through the Remind app sharing information about a new health and wellness curriculum we are considering. The note stated that we will be discussing this curriculum during board meeting on November 9th. We have postponed that discussion until the December board meeting on December 14th. Please feel free to preview the curriculum here. Direct any questions to Jamie Webb at the district office. 435-425-3813.


Randy Shelley, Superintendent, Wayne County School District